Dear Colleagues,

With the implementation of HR@SuccessFactors effective 5 May 2025, some of the current ESS modules will be discontinued and they will be made available in the new HR@SuccessFactors.
There will be interim application procedures issued by your respective BU HR during the period when ESS is not available. Please refer to your BU HR colleagues for more information.

ESS modules to be discontinued effective 12 April 2025
•Leave Application
•Flexible Work Arrangement
•Update/View Profile
•Executive Health Screening
•The Code of Business Conduct
•Employee Declaration
•Advance Bonus (only SBST)
•Leave Encashment (only SBST,CDGE)
•Work Schedule Substitution (only CDC,CEG)

ESS modules which will continue to be available until 31 Dec 2025
•Claim Application
•Overtime Application
•View Payslip
•View E-Letter
•View Reports
•E-Appraisal System (only SBST)
•Service Appreciation (only VICOM, CEG,CDGE)
•Resource Booking System (only SBST)

Please do not hesitate to contact your respective HR colleagues should you need further clarifications.